Biking Need-to-Knows
Quick Summary
- Review important bike safety tips, find out where to get free helmets and lights.
If there’s one constant on the UC Davis campus, it’s bikes! With the start of every new school year comes the need to review the key rules, tips and tricks that will help you make the most of your biking experience here at Davis.
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Helpful articles like "Bicycle Need-to-Knows" and "Aggie Cycling 101" outline some of the most important rules of the road for biking around campus and in town. This information is important to review periodically and will provide you with a solid foundation to being a safe and confident rider. Additionally, if you are biking to campus from West Village or the Green, Transportation Services has created a guide on the best, and safest, ways to get to campus.
Safety First!
Help foster a safe biking environment on campus by wearing a helmet and securing a bike light. The Helmet Hair, Don’t Care program provides FREE helmets to those who complete a short bike education training and sign the pledge. And, the Lit Not Hit program provides FREE rechargeable bike lights to those who complete the short training and sign the pledge.
To keep both yourself and your bike safe, ride responsibly! Keep yourself up to date on the rules of the road, and ride sober. Check out Safe Party for resources that will help make your night out a fun and successful one.
To prevent theft, lock your bike up with a quality lock. Learn more about the do's and don’ts of securing your bike on the Transportation Services Biking Parking & Security webpage.

Need Bike Help?
Check out the Bike Barn! It is a full service bike shop providing repairs, bike sales, rentals and more to the UC Davis community and general public. It is student run and managed, which helps them understand the needs of current students.
Most of all, have fun and be safe! Visit the Transportation Services website for more information on biking in Davis.
However you get around campus, make sure to stay safe and have fun. Follow @ucdavis.life on Instagram for more student-centered content like this, as well as fun events and important announcements!