A Message from the Vice Chancellor: Accessibility and Branding

VCSA Pablo Reguerín

Dear Student Affairs Colleagues,

With the start of the new academic year, I wanted to take a moment to talk about two important topics—accessibility and UC Davis brand standards. 

We must ensure that all of our channels are following ADA requirements and meeting accessibility standards so that all UC Davis students are being supported and have an equal opportunity to access the many resources and services offered by the division. While it is the right thing to do, it is also the law.

With the importance of accessibility, I asked Student Affairs Marketing and Communications (SAMC) to complete a review of divisional websites, newsletters and social media channels, and there is still a lot of work that must be done. I have directed them to reach out directly to units that are not in compliance with accessibility standards to offer direct support and establish a plan to get into compliance.

Along with accessibility, I also wanted to touch on UC Davis brand standards. Chancellor May directed all UC Davis units to use approved UC Davis branding on building signage, in print materials, on websites and across all digital and social media channels. This means only using approved university fonts, colors and brand elements as defined in the Student Affairs Brand Guide. Similarly to accessibility, I have also directed SAMC to reach out to units that are not following brand standards.

While there is still work to do in regard to accessibility and campus brand, I want to thank you all for the wonderful work you are doing and for your eagerness to create a better and more equitable experience for our students. 

To ensure you have the resources and support you need in these areas, SAMC has created an accessibility and brand training video for career and student staff. They also offer office hours for the staff who are doing this work to connect for individual consultation and support. I encourage you and your teams to attend the training if you are available and watch the video if you are not.

Please share this information with your staff and student employees who will be working on websites, social media, newsletters or any other student facing materials for your units.

Thank you for your support and collaboration in this effort.

In collaboration,

Pablo Reguerín

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs